Introducing the Eastern quoll
This page hasn't been written, but basically, Eastern quolls (EQs) rock.
- They are a carnivorous marsupial
- There are 6 species of quoll - 4 in Australia; 2 in New Guinea.
- The Eastern quoll was found down the east coast of mainland Australia from south-east Queensland through to western Victora.
- EQs disappeared from mainland Australia in 1963.
- The EQ still lives in the island state of Tasmania, off the south of Australia's mainland
- The last mainland EQ specimen was collected from Sydney - Australia's largest city
- Disease is believed to have played a major part in the demise of EQs on the mainland. A tiny population persisted in an eastern suburb park in Sydney - likely shielded from the disease in the rest of the mainland by the urban sprawl itself
Apart from that, check out Eastern quolls on Wikipedia.