Radio segments and interviews
In 2008 I was invited to contribute a few stories to the community radio show, Diffusion.
Diffusion is recorded in the studios of radio station 2SER (Sydney Educational Radio) and is broadcast through about 17 community radio stations throughout Australia. It also broadcasts internationally via podcasting. Diffusion (formerly "Discovery") has been running for over 10 years.
In 2017 I spoke with Helen Shield from ABC Radio regarding the Tasmanian tiger hair project and the discovery of a new photo of the Mullins family group of thylacines.
Date | Audio | Station / Program | Topic |
22 May 2017 | ABC Hobart / Your Afternoon | CSIRO scanning electron micrographs of Tasmanian tiger hair | |
1 May 2017 | ABC Hobart / Your Afternoon | Discovery of a new photo of the Mullins family group of thylacines | |
24 Apr 2017 | ABC Hobart / Your Afternoon | Crowd funding a light microscope project for Tasmanian tiger hair | |
1 May 2008 | Diffusion Science Radio via 2SER FM Sydney | On the brink of extinction A brief look at some wallabies that have beaten the odds and survived extinction. This episode includes: the bridled nailtail wallaby; the southern sub-group of the brush-tailed rock wallaby; the parma wallaby; Gilbert's potoroo; and the Eastern quoll on mainland Australia | |
24 Apr 2008 | Diffusion Science Radio via 2SER FM Sydney | Mainland Tasmanian tigers and the Doyle footage In his 2000 publication, Dr Robert Paddle revealed early Australian documentation of living thylacines in South Australia and New South Wales. Follow the evidence and consider a 1973 film captured in South Australia by Liz and Gary Doyle. | |
17 Apr 2008 | Diffusion Science Radio via 2SER FM Sydney | Singleton Thylacoleo and Australian big cats Starting with a look at the 2007 Singleton thylacoleo sighting, this segment also considers the evidence for Australian big cats. |