Angel investment


"Angel investors are also called informal investors, angel funders, private investors, seed investors or business angels. These are affluent individuals who inject capital for startups in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt" (Investopedia).

Angel investment into the search for Tasmanian tigers

Chris is open to and seeking significant angel investment into the search for Tasmanian tigers.

In brief, it is my belief that the Adamsfield evidence provides a very strong case that the thylacine persisted into the 1990s in Tasmania. This is more than 50 years beyond its accepted extinction date. If this is true then there is every chance it has persisted to the present day.

A campaign will be launched in mid 2018 on an angel investment crowd-funding platform. In essence, I am seeking:

  • significant financial contribution to fund ongoing repeated nocturnal audio surveys and research of the data collected.
  • the data, in turn, will help to target a focused camera survey and first hand search for evidence, should the thylacine's 'yipping' call be recorded.
  • such a call was heard by me in 2013 and again in 2017 and has been reported from the same area by other thylacine researchers.

If you are in a position to consider angel investment and have a vision for re-discovery of the Tasmanian tiger, please get in touch and also watch this page for updates once the campaign launches. Alternatively, send me a message to ask me to update you once the campaign goes live.

Here is a preview of the pitch: