Examining the evidence
Examining the evidence for rare Australian fauna
Where Light Meets Dark conducts critical analyses of evidence for the survival of fauna where it is not expected. This includes examining the evidence for species believed to be extinct, as well as individual animals detected outside their expected range (out of place / OOPs).
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Article index
Species | Category | Location | Status | |
Big cats (Australian) | Exotic species | Australia | Out of place (OOP) | |
Marsupial lion (Thylacoleo carnifex) | Carnivorous marsupial | Australia | Presumed extinct for 30,000 years | |
Tasmanian tigers (thylacines) (Thylacinus cynocephalus) | Carnivorous marsupial | Mainland Australia and Tasmania | Presumed extinct for 2,000 years on mainland and since 1936 in Tasmania | |
Tasmanian devil (mainland) (Sarcophilus harrisii) | Carnivorous marsupial | Mainland Australia | Presumed extinct for 350 years | |
Eastern quolls (Dasyurus viverrinus) | Carniviorous marsupial | Mainland Australia | Presumed extinct since 1963 | |
Marine creatures | Aquatic - marine | Worldwide | Various | |
Ground parrot (Pezoporus wallicus) | Bird | Sydney basin (NSW) | Presumed locally extinct since 1890s | |
Night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) | Bird | Australia | Prior to July 2013:
July 2013:
August 2015:
| |
Birds, various - unusually coloured | Bird | Australia |